Saturday 21 July 2012

Hollywood Studios

The next day - "hump day" as Trent called it - we set off for Disney's Hollywood Studios, which was a leisurely 10 minute boat ride from our resort. We've got a good system going now, of hiring a second, double pram, which minimises fights, keeps the kids energy up, and allows us burn around the park quicker when trying to make a particular show or ride.

What made the visit to this park very special was the focus on Toy Story - which was beautifully timed, after 3.5 weeks on the road, and each having watched one of the 3 versions of the movie, at least 50 times! Even Luke was pumped as we lined up to meet the heros - Woody and Buzz Lightyear.

Hollywood Studios is also fabulous with their shows. We felt like we popped into a major musical production every time! As they varied in length from 20 to 40 minutes, it suited the kids attention span. One of the favourites was Beauty and the Beast.

Then there was the stunt cars and motorbikes - Thomas couldn't believe the cars were jumping trucks, driving backwards - and catching on fire! The audience got to walk through the set afterwards - very cool.

I loved the Streets of America, where the cardboard cutouts of New York and San Fran, really made you feel like you were there.

You can probably see from these picks, the afternoon thunderstorms rolling in - we're getting the hang of the downpours now, and usually pick that time to dive into a 3D theatre for a show. This time The Muppets - great memories from our childhood, the kids liked it too,

The "Fantasmic" evening show at Hollywood Studios is rated as one of the best - and I can see why. It was an elaborate mix of singing, dancing, fireworks and setting the entire lake on fire!  It included all the major characters, princesses, villains etc - probably a little heavy on the villains for our lot - but overall spectacular.

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